Friday, May 20, 2011

Annnnd.... We're back.

Mellie is two-years old now.

Nothing has been better for me than the birth of this beautiful girl.

I am more aware of my own hang-ups and irrational fears, in a conscious attempt to never pass them along. I have become more aware of what the three of us consume; in an attempt to not only be around for her for as long as possible, but to guide Mellie towards healthy eating habits as well.

And most importantly, I more deeply understand the wonderful, and extremely difficult, decisions my own parents made to ensure that all four of us had every opportunity possible to fulfill and enrich our curiosity and appreciation for the world around us.

Here's to actively passing those decisions on to another generation.


Unknown said...

I love you Lizzie. I can't wait to meet a real talking, walking Mellie... she was but a lump when I last saw her.
You are something so special, and whatever you share will be golden to Miss Melody... but i hear you on the CAREFUL EXAMPLE thoughts. We are so ultra-aware of our... crap when we are being watched so closely by little people... and they still never hear what we wany them to hear, and manage to hear everything we don't.

Perhaps we'll have to impart some self-forgiveness along to those young ones... after-all no one is perfect, and that's a lesson that took me a looooong ass time to figure out.

Anonymous said...

Liz, That was beautiful. I love you and miss you!