Sunday, February 22, 2009

Belly and Painting

Last week my Dad drove down from Minnesota with a trailer full of furniture. Some of it was mine, some was my parents, some my grandparents, and some my great-grandparents!

My Mom flew in on Saturday and she was ready to paint and decorate! In one week, they not only painted the living room, but the hallways, baby's room, and the office as well.

In addition, Skyler and Dad added new floor and ceiling moulding, new oak tops to what will be the bar between the living room and kitchen and Melody's closet, replaced the outlets, light switches, fire alarms, doorbell, and light fixtures, as well as made repeated trips to the dump clearing out our backyard.

Here are a couple of photos of my Mom and Dad in the newly created living room! They turned an empty room:

into something that belongs in a catalog.

We still have a little bit of work to finish in Melody's room and as soon as we get that done we'll post some photos.

Here's a new photo of my belly at week 30. Yeah, 10 more weeks of growth left!


Jaime said...

Yay Mom and Dad! I love your wall color and can't wait to see pictures of Melody's room!

You look adorable!

Lizzie D. said...

Thanks! I'll try to post some more photos tomorrow night.

Anonymous said...

Yay on the fun house stuff!! You look so beautiful! :)