Sunday, April 11, 2010


I made a turtle cake for Melody's birthday.
At first, I wasn't sure if she would know what to do with it.
But she quickly proved my fears unfounded!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

January and Beyond.

This January, my entire immediate family was under the same roof for the first time in years. We spent a few days in a cabin along the north shore of Lake Superior. Skyler got some quality time in with Melody on the drive up.

While my brother and sisters went skiing, Skyler and I got a little hiking in.
Skyler found a stick! We were very thrilled to watch it hit the water.
Ice is neat.
On Valentine's Day, Melody, Skyler, and I went out for lunch and to the zoo. It was very bright, so Mellie got a new hat!
And she got to ride on Daddy's shoulders!
Plus, she's been working on growing some teeth! Although they aren't completely visible yet, today was the first time I could hear them clicking on her toys!
I tried for about 20 minutes to get a good photo of her little teeth, but she really doesn't sit still. Ever. So this was the best we got!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Almost February??

Finally, some Christmas photos!
Melody was pretty excited on Christmas morning.

She was a little confused about the idea of the stocking...

But one hand in and she was off and running...

And then...

She got the hang of it pretty quickly!

Since Christmas, she's gotten much better at standing and has even been taking some practice steps.

And she has perfected her look of concentration.

For you, Dad!